The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
- AddGroup
- AddProduct
- AddSchoolForUser
- AddSelection
- AttemptLogin
- ChangePasswordForUser
- CheckAdmin
- CheckGroupName
- CheckValidLogin
- DeleteUser
- ExecuteQuery
- ExecuteQueryRead
- GetBalanceHistory
- GetBalanceHistoryTop
- GetBalancePaymentHistory
- GetBalancePaymentHistoryTop
- GetChildren
- GetChoicesForProduct
- GetCurrentUserPayments
- GetCurrentUserTransactions
- GetDinnerMenu
- GetEmailAddressForUser
- GetGroupListForSchool
- GetLogoURL
- GetMessageStatusList
- GetProductsForSchool
- GetResultForPayment
- GetSageToken
- GetSchoolIDForName
- GetSchoolNameForID
- GetSchools
- GetSchoolsWithIDs
- GetSelectionsForProduct
- GetTransactionsForPayment
- GetUserCredits
- GetUserDetails
- GetUserMessageHistory
- GetUserPayments
- GetUserPaymentsForWeek
- GetUserTransactions
- GetUserTransactionsForWeek
- LinkExistingAccounts
- Login
- PostMessage
- PostNewUser
- PostPaymentDetails
- PostTransactionLine
- ProcessAuthPayment
- ProcessPayment
- ProcessPaymentAuthV1
- ProcessPaymentAuthV2
- SpendCredits
- UpdateChildDetails
- UpdateMessageStatus
- UpdateProduct
- UpdateSelection
- UploadFile
- VerifyChildDetails